'Profiling' Key Topic At Annual Meeting Saturday

The work of a young Vermont filmmaker, DeWolfe Morrow of Montpelier, will provide a spring board for discussion of profiling at this year's American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont annual meeting Saturday, Nov. 9 at the National Life building in Montpelier.

Photo of DeWolfe Morrow DeWolfe Morrow

A speaker traditionally provides a keynote address at the ACLU-VT's annual meeting. This year, both to honor a young artist's creativity and to set the stage for a discussion on factors that alter people's perceptions of others, Morrow's short film, "One Day," will be shown.

Earlier this year, “One Day” won top honors at a “creative minds” film competition at Cannes, France. Morrow said he made the film “to convey the notion that everyone is created equal, regardless of their status." Morrow is currently a senior at Burlington College.

A panel discussion will follow the showing of the film. On the panel will be members of Migrant Justice, a group that advocates for migrant workers on Vermont’s dairy farms, as well as the winner of a Constitution Day writing contest co-sponsored by the Young Writers Project and the ACLU-VT.

The business portion of the ACLU’s annual meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. Updates of ACLU activities on the national and state level will be offered in the morning, along with a fundraising auction. The showing of Morrow’s “One Day” film, and the panel discussion, will begin immediately after annual awards are announced at 1 p.m.

A detailed schedule is available on the ACLU’s Web site. The public is invited to any part of the meeting. (Reservations are needed for a noontime luncheon, however.)