Vermont Day of Empathy

March 14, 2024 @ 10:00 am
@ 8:00 pm

Alongside a coalition of criminal justice advocates, will be holding the first Day of Empathy in Vermont on March 14th to amplify the voices of those impacted by Vermont's criminal legal system. 

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The event aims to engage and educate legislators in Montpelier, VT on how their work affects the underrepresented and forgotten: those who have directly experienced the impacts of the criminal legal system, and especially the harms of extreme sentencing practices. 

Vermont’s Day of Empathy will shine a light on providing a "Second Look" at people most significantly touched by the system, including through advocacy on S.155, an act relating to eliminating life without parole and implementing second look legislation. We will come together with support, in community, and with compassion, to spread the message that Vermont’s impacted populations will not be forgotten or silenced.

Join us for networking, panel discussions, learning, and meeting community leaders. Your presence will make the day a success, and we’d appreciate your participation in as much or as little of the day as you are able to attend. With the goal of solidarity and  investment in change, our Vermont Day of Empathy can help redefine, uplift, and honor, Vermonters. 

Vermont Day of Empathy is organized by VT CURE (Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants),, in coordination with Drop LWOP New England, The Sentencing Project, ACLU Vermont, FreeHer, and Vermont Just Justice.


10:00 AM
Press Conference, Cedar Creek Room of State House
11 to 12 PM
Lunch (provided, please RSVP)
12 to 2 PM
Meeting with legislators (please RSVP)
5 to 6:30 PM
Happy hour at The Inn at Montpelier
6:30 PM
Screening of "District of Second Chances" at The Inn at Montpelier